Welcome back to your library!

We’re looking forward to an exciting semester and we hope you feel the same! We have lots of events and programs planned, giving you an opportunity to learn something new outside of the classroom and have some fun too. The I-Create Lab will offer some pretty amazing things, our Workshop Series will start up again, and we’ll have lots of fantastic art on exhibit to spark your creativity.

We’ll join the campus wide celebrations of Black History Month and Women’s History Month. Be on the lookout for highlights from our collections, trivia contests, and more. We’ll also celebrate Dr. Seuss, poetry, libraries, and Outstanding Authors!

We’re interested in what you would like to see in your library. We’ll begin offering more ways for you to reach out and talk to us. There’s a new Whiteboard Question of the week upstairs, and we’ll have conversation boxes around the library very soon. Want to learn more? Follow your library on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and keep in touch. Have a great semester!

Be sure to check our online calendar for these upcoming events and more!


Jennifer, User Engagement & Assessment