I-Know: Sleigh Your Research!

In advanced recognition of National Crossword Puzzle Day (December 21st), we bring you the “Sleigh Your Research!” crossword puzzle, courtesy of the I-Know program! Take a well-deserved break from studying and exams to test your knowledge of digital information literacy. Can you crack the code? Give it a try and sleigh the challenge! 🎄✨ Untitled-2 (1)Download Sleigh Your Research Crossword (PDF)

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World Kindness Day and Social Media Kindness Day

A few quick tips and good articles to observe Social Media Kindness Day (November 9th) and World Kindness Day (November 13th)! A Few Tips for Kind, Healthy Social Media Engagement Let's celebrate kind and healthy ways to engage online! Here are some quick tips from MIT’s MindHandHeart initiative to bring positivity and mindfulness to your feeds: Pause Before You Post: Ask yourself, "Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?" before hitting send. Live in the Moment: Be sure…

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