Learn More at an I-Create Workshop

Want to learn more about projects you can do at the I-Create Lab? If so, the I-Create Lab’s workshops have been a great way to learn about projects anyone can do using the equipment in the lab. 

The first student lead workshop was “Painting 3D models,” where patrons were invited to learn how to paint their 3D models made by the lab’s 3D printers. Since then, the workshops have become more advanced, with the last two being a “Sticker Workshop” and “Valentine Cards made on the Circuit Maker.” Workshops have helped patrons be more creative with the equipment we have in the I-Create Lab.

In the Sticker Workshop, patrons learned how to edit an image so our large format printer can cut the image out of the vinyl, thus making a sticker! When asked about how popular sticker making has become, the student worker who taught the class said: “Lots of people came to the I-Create Lab just to make stickers alone.” The student worker also says she is most proud of the attendance of the workshop, stating, “A little over 40 people showed up. It was hectic, but I’m glad people learned something they can make here at I-Create.” 

Our most recent workshop was just in time for Valentine’s Day, so the I-Create lab decided to show off the Circuit Maker. This workshop was also held by a student worker who took patrons step by step on how to make a valentine’s day card using the Circuit Maker. After the demonstration, patrons could make their own card for a friend or significant other. When asked, attendees of the workshop said they enjoy the card making and overall atmosphere of the I-Create Lab.

The I-Create Lab not only shows off the equipment but software as well. When classes are back in session, and there are no limits on gatherings. We hope to show our new software Embrilliance Essentials.

Embrilliance Essentials is an embroidery software where an image can be uploaded and made into a PES file. The PES file can then be put into the lab’s embroidery machine via flash drive where they can be sewed onto blankets, jackets, and more. 


As stated before, workshops are at a halt now until further notice.

However, the I-Create Lab would still like to know what students and faculty want in a workshop, whether that be showing software or equipment in the lab. Two students have voiced their want for a “workshop on how to make acrylic charms from scratch with the laser cutter.” and “making frames using the CNC Router.”

If you have any other recommendations for workshops, please share them with the I-Create lab staff.