Snakes! & The Bluchers

Corpus Christi is home to an incredible diversity of flora and fauna, and the region is the preferred habitat of many species of snakes. Several of the local snakes are venomous, such as rattlesnakes, coral snakes, cottonmouths, and copperheads. As such it is always advisable to be aware of your surroundings as you walk the TAMUCC Hike & Bike Trail, or any of the local parks. The following recollection of pioneer snake encounters was recently discovered in the Mary and…

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A New Vision for Innovation: I-Create Gets New Management

Through our transition into our new normal, TAMU-CC leaders saw a vital need for more digital resources for teaching and learning. With that, some changes were implemented to ensure that the services we offer to the campus community continue to foster an environment that supports innovation in digital teaching and learning, as well as a quality digital experience for students and faculty.  A new partnership between Digital Learning and Academic Innovations (DLAI) and the I-Create lab was introduced to the…

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Get Active!

   If you’re like me, or most people during quarantine, you probably have not been doing much of anything. Snacking, binging TV shows, sleeping, and playing video games have been most of the things I have been partaking in with my extra time available. Without the everyday commute to school, with the addition of just being active walking to classes, trekking the campus, and just being social, it is safe to say I have probably put on a few pounds…

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