Through our transition into our new normal, TAMU-CC leaders saw a vital need for more digital resources for teaching and learning. With that, some changes were implemented to ensure that the services we offer to the campus community continue to foster an environment that supports innovation in digital teaching and learning, as well as a quality digital experience for students and faculty.
A new partnership between Digital Learning and Academic Innovations (DLAI) and the I-Create lab was introduced to the campus community in June 2021. As was stated by our Provost, Dr. Phillips in a campus announcement, “Digital Learning and Academic Innovations (DLAI) is more than distance education and has a focus on pedagogy and weaving digital learning into all courses, regardless of location or format. In addition, within the Library, DLAI and I-Create will be partnered to explore synergies that integrate digital tools and technologies into student learning. This change also aligns DLAI with the I-Know program.
Don’t. Panic. The I-Create lab will still be in the library, but we are simply under new management.
So, you’re probably wondering how is the I-Create Lab joining the DLAI going to help you? Student workers at the I-Create lab are working with the DLAI team to find ways to make the online support being offered better with content that is helpful for your teaching and learning experience. You have probably noticed a course listed under “My Courses” in Blackboard called the A-DRC (Academic Digital Resource Center) for faculty and the U-DRC (Undergraduate Digital Resource Center) or G-DRC (Graduate Digital Resource Center) for students.
If you are engaged in digital education at TAMU-CC, these courses provide helpful tips on navigating and managing online courses and academic technology at TAMU-CC. DLAI services include (but are not limited to): resources to help both professors and students navigate online learning, support and assistance for faculty to develop new and engaging online programs, and help with professional development training to better understand how to use other digital services the university offers such as Zoom and Qualtrics.
Together, DLAI and the I-Create Lab hope to continue to improve and engage both the creative and learning potentials of everyone we serve!
You can learn more about Digital Learning and Academic Innovations by visiting the DLAI website.
Before you come into the lab, we suggest making a reservation 24 hours in advance for the equipment you are interested in. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact the I-Create Lab at 361-825-2311 or