What are Soft Skills?

You may have heard the term “soft skills” tossed about when seeking a job or discussing careers, but what exactly does that mean? I was introduced to the concept when I was a college graduate applying for my first professional position. The job market was very competitive and it seemed to me a daunting task to stand out among a crowd of high achievers and polished resumes. In fact, my resume was just half a page, even padded with wide…

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3 Tips on How to De-Stress Throughout the Semester

As exciting as a new school year can be, it can also be very daunting to some.  I remember when my daughter would start a new year, as excited as she was, she would also get a little stressed when it came to managing her school/work/life schedule.  So, as this fall semester starts, I wanted to share 3 tips on how to de-stress throughout the semester. Get Moving – There are many different ways to do this on campus.  Walking/Running…

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Introducing: Julee Murphy!

This month, we have a new employee to introduce to everyone. Julee Murphy has joined the User & Research Services team as Education Specialist, and we are so happy to have her on board! Julee came to us from the Early Childhood Development Center here on campus where she served as a librarian. Read on to learn a little more about Julee. Where are you from originally? I am a West Texan by birth but I have lived most of…

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New Resource Alert: JoVE

Today I’m writing to you to let everyone know about one of the newest editions to the Library’s collection of databases. We have just started a subscription to JoVE, The Journal of Visualized Experiments, which is a collection of research experiments that have videos showing each step in detail! This is the world’s first peer-reviewed scientific video journal. These videos are filmed at some of the top scientific institutions and help enable in-depth understanding of complex STEM subjects. We have…

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Book Review, Free Resources, and New Computers!

It's hot outside right now. I mean people are literally moving away from Texas because it's so hot! Thankfully here in the library, we have A/C. I am an indoor person and while I like to go out and experience things, my perfect day out is one where it looks like it might rain. Regardless, stay safe out there - it’s going to be a long summer! Book Review I wanted to review this book because 1: I have never…

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Keep on Tweeting on (Responsibly)

Something that may surprise you is that I, a librarian, love social media. As librarians, we often tell students to shy away from social media and find “credible” and “scholarly” sources. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love watching TikToks or creating content for my puppy’s Instagram account. Social media can be fun. It can create a sense of community and make us feel good about ourselves. We can also learn new things from our friends and the people we…

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Engagement Begins with Us

Learner engagement focuses heavily on the learner’s connection and sense of belonging at the university, which is typically fostered through relationships with other students, faculty, and staff. Engagement increases within learners when their encounters are respectful, trusting, supportive, and caring. Learners feel more confident and motivated when faculty and staff show support and care about their efforts.    Conversely, when learners feel disconnected, they perceive those relationships with faculty, staff, and engaged learners as disrespectful, offering a sense of instability and…

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Congratulations, and a Farewell

As the Director of User and Research Services at Bell Library, I thought I’d take this opportunity to share some news from our team. First, the happy news! Alexa Hight, who is our Scholarly Communication and Copyright Librarian, was recently the winner of the Texas Digital Library (TDL) Service Award for her leadership of the OJS (Open Journal Systems) User Group. TDL uses Open Journal Systems software to allow faculty or staff of TDL member institutions to create open access…

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Blücher is a Bad Name for Warships

While many residents of Corpus Christi are familiar with the German pioneer family of surveyors, the Blüchers, the famous family name also lived on in Germany simultaneously. The Blüchers had been landowners and nobility for hundreds of years when Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher was born in 1742, a little over 100 years before his kin would arrive on the unsettled Texas coast. Blücher would go on to match Paul von Hindenburg as the most highly decorated Prussian-German soldier in history.…

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Why I Don’t Like the Journal Impact Factor (JIF)

Today, I’m writing to tell you why I’m not a fan of the Journal Impact Factor (JIF). So first let me tell you what the JIF is and where it comes from. The Journal Impact factor is the number of citations generated by each citable item (such as an article) as calculated over a length of time. The standard time is three years and the number of citations in the current year divided by the number of citable items over…

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