Why Makerspaces are a Good Fit for Libraries

We’ve been asked many questions since word started spreading about our intention to create a makerspace in the library. What kind of equipment will you have? Will it be open to the public? Will you charge a fee? How much will you charge? These are all very valid questions, but the one that struck me most was the question why would the library open a makerspace? I usually struggle with putting my thoughts into words. Luckily, I recently read a…

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Welcome to Our Blog!

Greetings! To start, I would like to wish everyone a most happy 2019 and a successful spring semester. I am also excited to announce that the library is launching a blog and that I am honored with writing the first blog post. Being asked to kick-off our blog forced me to reflect on blogs in general. Specifically, I was asking myself what do we hope to accomplish through our blog and what might people find interesting? I believe our primary…

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